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5V 4A Power Supply
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5V 4A Power Supply

Price excludes shipping, customs, VAT

For permanent vehicle installations - Connects to your vehicle's power system.

  • High quality, low-loss adapter
  • Convert your cable, accessory, or device to a variety of other terminations
  • Wide variety for any need
  • Attenuation less than 0.1 dB
  • For any major coaxial termination
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No more annoying dropped calls, poor call quality & slow Internet! For permanent vehicle installations - Connects to your vehicle's power system.

WILSON ELECTRONICS 5V/3A DC FUSED HARDWIRE POWER SUPPLY Wilson 5V/3A DC Fused Hardwire Power Supply Kit w/ 2.5mm DC Plug is designed to support installation of Wilson signal boosters/amplifiers in a vehicle permanently, bypassing the need to draw power from the cigarette lighter. 5V/3A Permanent installation

No more annoying dropped calls, poor call quality & slow Internet!.

These adapters are high-quality and low loss accessories, with attenuation of less than 0.1 dB.

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